Round Table
Thursday 12:00 - 13:30
"Kostis Palamas" Hall/HALL B
School Nursing Creating and Promoting a Healthy School Environment
15th STATE OF THE ART Adolescent Health / Congress G.S.A.M.
Chairs: Vassiliki Louvari, Tzannis Polykandriotis
- Learning method of childhood diabetes through electronic devices
Constantia Kotsani
- Evaluation of pupils’ knowledge on kidneys health
Theodoros Vassilikopoulos
- The management of epilepsy in schools: The role of school nurses in delivering knowledge to students and school staff—teaching first aid procedures for epileptic seizures
Theodoros Koutsoupis
- Teaching First Aid program in primary schools: The School health project experience
Tzannis Polykandriotis
- Health promotion in schools: A holistic innovative strategy in primary schools
Sofia Psarouli
Youth Council Participation/Discussion with youth:
Evangelinos Michelis, Giannis Prassas, Giorgos Prassas, Marios Iatrou

Registered Nurse, Mental Health Nursing Specialist, Health Visitor, PgDip (Ed), MSc, Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, General Secretary of the Hellenic Regulatory Body of Nurses
«Chair and Speaker»

School Nurse, MSc “Thrombosis-Bleeding-Transfusion Medicine”, PhD Candidate, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Unified Special Gymnasium - Lyceum School of Pyrgos

R.N., MSc ‘Mental Health’, PgDip (Ed), Adult Educator, School Nurse, Primary School of Aghia Triada, Primary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki

Medical School Student, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Youth Council member
«Youth Council Participation»

School of Law, Graduate Student – Youth Council member
«Youth Council Participation»

Student at Geology School at the University of Athens - Youth Council member
«Youth Council Participation»