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AMHI: A Community of Adolescent Creatives who Care about Child and Youth Mental Health

AMHI: A Community of Adolescent Creatives who Care about Child and Youth Mental Health and Dare to Start the Conversation

The Covid-19 Pandemic has resulted in the conversation around the mental health of children and adolescents becoming more needed and pressing than ever—yet it continues to be held far too infrequently. The Art and Mental Health Initiative is a youth-led initiative with a mission to rectify this issue, by using art to open the discussion of adolescent mental health to the children and teenagers it most affects.

Core members of AMHI have previously been invited to infrequent meetings on adolescent health and noticed that there were almost no adolescents present. We, the adolescents at the core of the topic, were guests at our own discussion. And not only were we few in number, but the discussions took place amongst dozens of professionals much more medically well-spoken than us, which created an uncomfortable environment to speak openly.

This is where AMHI comes in.

Although adults may specialize in adolescent and child mental health, adolescents will forever be the most knowledgeable on the status of their own mental health. So, it is imperative that we always include children and adolescents in the conversation––or better yet, start a conversation ourselves. And what better way to start an open discussion about mental health in children and adolescents than by empowering them to explore their feelings through art?

AMHI will be participating in the 22nd IAAH conference. We will be introducing our initiative through a curated art display that explores the relationship between art and adolescent mental health today. You can find us on all three days. We look forward to meeting you!



Abstracts publication in DAH Journal

We are delighted to announce that abstracts approved for presentation at the 22nd IAAH European Regional Conference & 15th State of the Art Panhellenic Adolescent Health / Medicine Congress in Athens will be published in Developmental and Adolescent Health, the journal of the Hellenic Society of Adolescent Health Medicine.

Developmental and Adolescent Health is founded and published quarterly by the Hellenic Society of Adolescent Medicine. The journal was first released in 2020 in Greek, and from the third issue on it is being published in English. The journal aims to inform, educate and promote knowledge in all fields concerning developmental and adolescent health.

Find more details, view current and previous issues in the journal’s website.



Updated Programme is available

View the scientific programme for the 22nd IAAH European Conference and the 15th State of the Art Panhellenic Adolescent Health / Medicine Congress in detail and find out more on the expert speakers on adolescent health, mental health, and well-being.

You are invited to revisit the conference website, since more updated versions and information on speakers will be added regularly.

View the Programme, ready to download in pdf format here.


Abstracts acceptance and presentation

Due to a wide interest in abstract submissions to the 22nd IAAH Conference, submission period was recently closed.
As a result, reviewing and evaluation period is also extended and authors will receive notification on acceptance and the form of presentation of their contributions after August 22, 2022.

Corresponding authors who do not receive a confirmation e-mail by the end of August, should contact the Conference Secretariat at

Important note: Early registration fee is extended to July 30th.


1st Announcement

The 22nd International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) European Regional Conference will be held in Athens, Greece on October 5th-7th, 2022. It is locally organized by the Greek/Hellenic Society for Adolescent Medicine (GSAM) and mainly focuses on youth development during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on youth physical and mental health, education,

development and overall well-being may raise dilemmas in the management and the control of immediate or long-term consequences. Action through multidisciplinary approaches is required and knowledge of physical and psychosocial aspects, as well as possible aetiological factors, burden of co-morbidities, prevention and treatment options, as well as counselling and support strategies are prerequisites for every effort of controlling the situation and will constitute the main core of the scientific programme. Formal and non-formal education, youth-friendly services and safe digital spaces that help young people make healthier choices and develop healthy relationships, are also a topic of great interest in this conference.

An update on other important Adolescent Medicine topics, such as nutrition, vaccination, skin conditions, contraception, sports medicine, etc. will be presented.

Medical doctors of different specialties, other health professionals and specialists e.g., psychologists, social workers, educators, dieticians, physical fitness experts, etc. are welcome to participate and contribute to the works of the IAAH conference by exchanging experience and expertise, as well as difficulties encountered in different countries. Interactive workshops, symposia, round tables will take place and experts will present key topics in plenary sessions.

Oral and poster presentations will highlight novel research ideas.

Youth participation during the conference will enrich discussions and debates.

Athens is a city of memorable beauty and great history, and this conference will give the opportunity to visit famous museums and monuments. The social programme will also be rich as at that time of the year the weather is ideal for exploring this fascinating city and having excursions to nearby historical destinations, such as Sounion, Delphi and Nafplion-Epidaurus!

We look forward to welcome you in Athens!